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老师火热登场, 3小时【人才为王】课程
18th October 2022, 7.00 PM - 10.00 PM



Do you really know yourself? And your team? Did you put the right talent in the right place? If your answer is no, you could hardly move your team forward. Team optimization starts with people. "Talent DNA" is the solution you have been looking for.

Date: 18th October 2022
Time: 7:00PM - 10:00PM
Venue: Kuala Lumpur


The must-have knowledge for business owners, team leaders and individuals!

名字 Name:

电邮 Email:

手机号码 Mobile No.:

来自什么州属 Which state are you from:

你的职业或行业 What industry are you in:

你的团队目前面对什么问题 What problems are your organization facing:

我是 I am:



Talent DNA course worth RM198 for the first 30 people only!

We value your privacy and we will never spam your mailbox. Emails and other details collected will only be used for sending confirmation and details of the free sharing session.


Do you really know yourself? And your team? Did you put the right talent in the right place? If your answer is no, you could hardly move your team forward. Team optimization starts with people. "Talent DNA" is the solution you have been looking for.

The must-have knowledge for business owners, team leaders and individuals!

Date: 18th October 2022
Time: 7:00PM - 10:00PM
Venue: Kuala Lumpur

名字 Name:

电邮 Email:

手机号码 Mobile No.:

来自什么州属 Which state are you from:

你的职业或行业 Which industry are you in:

你的团队目前面对什么问题 What problems are your organization facing:

我是 I am:



TDNA course worth RM198 for the first 30 people only!

We value your privacy and we will never spam your mailbox. Emails and other details collected will only be used for sending confirmation and details of the free sharing session.

Do you really know yourself? And your team? Did you put the right talent in the right place?

支配 Dominance

影响 Influence

稳健 Steadiness

谨慎 Compliance

免费 3 个小时线下 【人才为王】你会得到什么?
What can you get from the FREE 3-hour TDNA?

  • 找到个人价值并把它“变现” Discover your self-worth and monetize it
  • 发掘他人潜能并把它“变现” Uncover others' potential and monetize it
  • ​把人才放在对的岗位 Put the right talent in the right place
  • ​真正深入了解你自己的人格 Know yourself from within
  • ​真正了解他人改善彼此沟通 Know others for effective communication
  • ​懂得善用你的长处为公司做事 Unleash your potential at workplace
  • ​相互了解造就共识共赢 Mutual understanding and win together  
  • ​为企业带来协同创新突破 Achieve innovation breakthrough together
  • ​提高生产力打造高绩效团队 Enjoy optimized team productivity and efficiency

免费3个小时线下 【人才为王】你会得到什么?
What can you get from the FREE 3-Hours TDNA?

  • 找到个人价值并把它“变现” Discover your self-worth and monetize it
  • 发掘他人潜能并把它“变现” Uncover others' potential and monetize it
  • ​把人才放在对的岗位 Put the right talent in the right place
  • ​真正深入了解你自己的人格 Know yourself from within
  • ​真正了解他人改善彼此沟通 Know others for effective communication
  • ​懂得善用你的长处为公司做事 Unleash your potential at workplace
  • ​相互了解造就共识共赢 Mutual understanding and win together  
  • ​为企业带来协同创新突破 Achieve innovation breakthrough together
  • ​提高生产力打造高绩效团队 Enjoy optimized team productivity and efficiency


Business Owners

  • 请人困难!Finding talent is never easy!
  • ​业务不理想!Business is stagnant!
  • ​不懂员工要什么?Not knowing the team!

Team Leaders

  •  沟通困难! Facing communication issues!
  • ​不懂团队的潜能! Not knowing team potential!
  • ​没理解过团队! Could never understand your team!


  • 不懂如何变现! No idea what to do!
  • ​没人理解你! No one understands you!
  • ​找不到出路且迷茫! Feeling lost in life!


Business Owners

  • 请人困难!Finding talent is never easy!
  • ​业务不理想!Business is stagnant!
  • ​不懂员工要什么?Not knowing the team!

Team Leaders

  •  沟通困难! Facing communication issues!
  • ​不懂团队的潜能! Not knowing team potential!
  • ​没理解过团队! Could never understand your team!


  • 不懂如何变现! No idea what to do!
  • ​没人理解你! No one understands you!
  • ​找不到出路且迷茫! Feeling lost in life!

Adrian Wee 老师的简介

Dato' Sri Adrian Wee 老师在教育、房地产和房地产企业蛮有盛名,曾与许多具有影响力的演说家同台演讲,包括罗伯特·清崎(Robert T. Kiyosaki),《富爸爸·穷爸爸》的作者';资深投资策略顾问玛丽巴菲特(Mary Buffett);生活和商业策略大师托尼罗宾斯(Tony Robbins);以及国际营销教父杰伊亚伯拉罕(Jay Abraham)等等。

在过去 10 年里,老师除了在马来西亚大名鼎鼎之外,他的教育足迹遍及许多国家,包括泰国、印尼、越南、菲律宾、新加坡、香港甚至澳洲。
Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee 老师时常被问及与人才管理相关的问题:我们如何把适合的人才放在对的位置?我们如何释放他们的潜力?我们如何找到合适团队人选?这些都是团队领导所面对的棘手问题。

有鉴于此,老师用尽心思推出了《人才为王》Talent DNA 系列,分享突破性的人才管理方程式,释放团队的真正潜力并提高团队绩效。这里头的学问包括如何建立良好沟通桥梁,打造团队共识共赢。

无论你属于哪一个行业,老板、领导或者其他队员,《人才为王》Talent DNA 系列就是你们找到答案的钥匙,因为你在真正了解你自己同时,也清楚了解队员的个性,通过有效沟通促成更好的部署,大家更有同感并一起努力迈向共同目标前进。

即刻加入 Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee 老师的《人才为王》Talent DNA 系列,为你自己和你的团队开启一趟充满使命感的旅程!

Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee is synonym with education and property entrepreneurship in Asia, therefore it is no wonder that he has shared the stage with many other influential coaches such as Robert T. Kiyosaki, author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, senior investment strategy consultant Mary Buffett, popular life & business strategist Tony Robbins and master & international marketeer Jay Abraham, amongst others.

For the past 10 years and counting, Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee has been stamping his mark in the education industry in many ASIAN countries besides Malaysia including Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia.

Time and time again, Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee has been inundated with the same questions on talent management : How do we put the right people in the right positions? How do we unleash their potential? How do we find the right fit for the team? Team leaders constantly ask these questions time and time again in their bid to assess their workforce.

It was then that Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee introduced the Talent DNA Series presenting a talent breakthrough formula that will ensure you unleash the true potential of your team with a high productivity rate. Be prepared to discover how to create communication bridges to work together more effectively as a team.

Every single person in the industry should explore this series as you finally get a good grasp of your true talent and work towards a more contented, fulfilled & happier you!

Join Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee’s Talent DNA Series to recapitalize yourself and your team members as he brings forth a revitalized outlook of human capital development and leads you on a journey of discovering your true potential.

3个小时【DNA DISC线上分享会】

时间:7pm - 10pm
地点: ZOOM

Adrian Wee 老师的简介

Dato' Sri Adrian Wee 老师在教育和房地产企业蛮有盛名,曾与许多具有影响力的演说家同台演讲,包括罗伯特·清崎(Robert T. Kiyosaki),《富爸爸·穷爸爸》的作者';资深投资策略顾问玛丽巴菲特(Mary Buffett);生活和商业策略大师托尼罗宾斯(Tony Robbins);以及国际营销教父杰伊亚伯拉罕(Jay Abraham)等等。

在过去 10 年里,老师除了在马来西亚大名鼎鼎之外,他的教育足迹遍及许多国家,包括泰国、印尼、越南、菲律宾、新加坡、香港甚至澳洲。

Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee 老师时常被问及与人才管理相关的问题:我们如何把适合的人才放在对的位置?我们如何释放他们的潜力?我们如何找到合适团队人选?这些都是团队领导所面对的棘手问题。

有鉴于此,老师用尽心思推出了《人才为王》Talent DNA 系列,分享突破性的人才管理方程式,释放团队的真正潜力并提高团队绩效。这里头的学问包括如何建立良好沟通桥梁,打造团队共识共赢。

无论你属于哪一个行业,老板、领导或者其他队员,《人才为王》Talent DNA 系列就是你们找到答案的钥匙,因为你在真正了解你自己同时,也清楚了解队员的个性,通过有效沟通促成更好的部署,大家更有同感并一起努力迈向共同目标前进。

即刻加入 Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee 老师的《人才为王》Talent DNA 系列,为你自己和你的团队开启一趟充满使命感的旅程!

Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee is synonym with education and property entrepreneurship in Asia and beyond, therefore it is no wonder that he has shared the stage with many other influential coaches such as Robert T. Kiyosaki, author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, senior investment strategy consultant Mary Buffett, popular life & business strategist Tony Robbins and master & international marketeer Jay Abraham, amongst others.

For the past 10 years and counting, Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee has been stamping his mark in the education industry in many ASIAN countries besides Malaysia including Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong, plus Australia.

Time and time again, Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee has been inundated with the same questions on talent management : How do we put the right people in the right positions? How do we unleash their potential? How do we find the right fit for the team? Team leaders constantly ask these questions time and time again in their bid to assess their workforce.

It was then that Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee introduced the Talent DNA Series presenting a talent breakthrough formula that will ensure you unleash the true potential of your team with a high productivity rate. Be prepared to discover how to create communication bridges to work together more effectively as a team.

Every single person in the industry should explore this series as you finally get a good grasp of your true talent and work towards a more contented, fulfilled & happier you!

Join Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee’s Talent DNA Series to recapitalize yourself and your team members as he brings forth a revitalized outlook of human capital development and leads you on a journey of discovering your true potential.

Hearing is believing. Here's what our students said about TDNA!

Wong Kuo Sin




Optimizing team performance is now as easy as ABC!

Decode the mysteries of complex human personalities, apply versatile communication skills, increase efficiency and raise innovation, make smarter decisions, and build stronger teams!


"Talent DNA"
Specifically designed for business owners, team leaders and team members! Know yourself, know others, and keep winning!


Wong Kuo Sin




Optimizing team performance is now as easy as ABC!

Decode the mysteries of complex human personalities, apply versatile communication skills, increase efficiency and raise innovation, make smarter decisions, and build stronger teams!

"Talent DNA"
Specifically designed for business owners, leaders and teams! Know yourself, know others, and keep winning!

Copyright Reserved 2022. Adrian Wee International Sdn. Bhd.

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